July 28, 2023
6 mins

Storytelling In Marketing: 12 Stats You Should Know About

Niall Ratcliffe

I could probably talk for months about storytelling and why you should integrate it into your marketing. But truthfully, without any stats to back it up… it could be a load of rubbish.

So in this blog, I’m going to tell you 12 stats you should 100% know about storytelling.

Let’s get into it!

What is story-driven marketing?

Story-driven marketing is the practice of building a series of consistent narratives that help position your brand over time.

This doesn’t mean telling your life story or just explaining how the company was formed. It’s about finding stories that will make prospects:

1. Trust you
2. See you as an authority
3. Want to work with you

It’s the one thing no one can copy and by using it at the core of your marketing you instantly stand out amongst the crowd.

Crafting Your Marketing Story

There are hundreds of different stories you can tell and thousands of ways you can tell them. But when you’re looking to tell a story in your company's marketing efforts, three key aims should guide your narrative:

1. Captivate Your Audience: The primary objective of storytelling is to seize your audience's attention from the very beginning. Craft a captivating opening that sparks curiosity, draws them into your world, and compels them to keep reading. Engaging storytelling sets the stage for a memorable and immersive brand experience.

2. Forge an Emotional Connection: Powerful stories evoke emotions and create a deep, meaningful connection with your audience. Appeal to their aspirations, fears, or desires to foster empathy and resonance. By aligning your brand's values and messaging with the emotions of your audience, you establish trust and loyalty, strengthening your relationship with potential customers.

3. Drive Action and Conversion: A well-crafted narrative should seamlessly lead your audience towards taking action. Whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or joining a community, the story should inspire your audience to act. Integrate your brand's call-to-action strategically within the storytelling to drive conversions and achieve your marketing goals.

The Golden Impact of Storytelling - 12 Riveting Statistics

I’m not just saying you should tell stories because I run a company that focuses on storytelling.

You probably know, innately, that stories are compelling — the more personal, the better.

But in case you need further convincing, here are some stunning statistics that explain just how important storytelling in marketing is:

1. Storytelling makes your brand and marketing content remarkably memorable.

2. Facts embedded in a story are 22 times more likely to be retained than standalone data.

3. When presented with mere statistics, people retain only 5% to 10% of the information. In stark contrast, storytelling entices them to remember 65% to 70%.

4. Approximately 65% of our conversations revolve around personal stories and gossip.

5. The usage of stories increased Capital One's brand recall levels by an impressive 16%.

6. Storytelling fosters trust from your clients and customers, nurturing lasting connections.

7. When people love a brand story, 55% are more likely to purchase the product in the future, 44% will eagerly share the story, and 15% will make an immediate purchase.

8. A staggering 75% of customers believe that brands should incorporate storytelling in their marketing efforts.

9. An overwhelming 92% of customers desire advertisements to feel more like captivating stories.

10. Consumers highly appreciate CEOs who publicly discuss subjects they genuinely care about, as revealed by 76% of respondents.

11. When stories are told, the brain releases chemicals such as cortisol, dopamine, and oxytocin, facilitating information retention, emotional connections, and genuine empathy.

12. Storytelling possesses the transformative ability to enhance conversion rates by an impressive 30%.

Top 3 Storytelling Tips For Entrepreneurs

Let’s be honest here, you didn’t really need the stats, you already know how impactful stories can be.

The real question is how can you start using them today?

Well here are my top three storytelling tips for entrepreneurs who want to create truly meaningful marketing stories:

1. Create a bank of story ideas.

Most founders have no idea:

- If they have a story
- Which stories will benefit their business
- And if any of their stories are worth telling

So here’s a simple way to have endless stories to tell as a founder: Create a “Life Story” table

All you have to do is:

1. Create a new note in the ‘Notes’ app on your phone

2. Add a table with 2 columns. One for dates, one for notes.

3. Every night before bed, write 2-3 lines on a key moment or key realisation from your day.

Most founders forget that their life is full of stories. But most go to waste because we never write them down. With this, you’ll have your whole life story in your notes to look back at.

An absolute goldmine for future content.

2. Remember the real protagonist.

Speaking of characters, did you know that you are actually not the main character in your marketing story? Even if you’re telling a personal anecdote, the real protagonist in your copywriting is always your ideal client or customer. If you can’t find a way to tie the story back to their pain points or desires (and how you can help), the story isn’t worth telling.

3. Tease the journey.

No one wants to hear your story. They’re busy, they’ve got their own problems. and their own businesses to worry about. Why should they care about what you’re doing?

They shouldn’t.

But it’s your job to make them care, and a simple way to do this is by “Teasing the journey”.

All our lives we are told to tease the ending when telling a story. You set the scene, build tension through the journey, then BOOM you drop an exciting ending.

But when you’re using stories in your marketing, it’s the journey that you need to tease. Here’s how you do it:

1. You start by showcasing where you began - this is so the audiences can relate to their current situation.

2. You then show them the ending - you want this to be something they desire, essentially a dream situation.

3. Then reveal the journey - this is the secret behind the transformation and the most valuable part of your story.

No one wants to hear what happened in your life this week. They want value and that value is held in the journey - not the ending. It’s a small switch, but it leads to a big difference in outcomes.

Unleash the potential of storytelling to amplify your business's voice, captivating hearts and minds, and weaving a tapestry of success. If you need guidance in the art of storytelling, our team of expert storytellers stands ready to weave enchanting tales that will elevate your brand's narrative to new heights.

Written by
Niall Ratcliffe
CEO Ratcliffe Brothers